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The Linc
The Linc (Eagles Stadium)
Thomas Mill Covered Bridge (Wissahickon)
University of Pittsburgh
UPenn Meiklejohn Stadium
Valley Road
Yellow Bike
180 Windows
18th & Sansom (The Dandelion)
19th Street
36th & Walnut UPenn
4, 6, 8, State (Doylestown)
9th & Clinton
Almost There
Antiques and Paper
Art Museum at Sunset
Avalon NJ
Back in Time
Bar Bombon
Behind Independence Hall
Ben Franklin at UPenn
Ben Franklin Bridge
Ben Franklin Parkway
Boathouse Row 1
Boathouse Row 2
Boathouse Row 3
Boathouse Row at Sunset
Boathouse Row Waterfall
BONER 4EVER (and ever)
Broad and City Hall
Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Bryn Athyn Post Office